1 Shehu Sule College of Nursing and Midwifery Along Gujba Road Opposite Yobe State Specialist Hospital Damaturu Yobe State.
2 Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, Faculty of sciences, Bayero University, Kano
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2020, 01(02), 001-008.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2020.1.2.0035
DOI url: https://doi.org/10.30574/ijsra.2020.1.2.0035
Received on 15 November 2020; revised on 25 November 2020; accepted on 30 November 2020
Naphthenic acids are among the water, oil and soil contaminants mostly by accident. The review was carried out to examine the types and sources of Naphthenic acids. The toxic nature of naphthenic acids is mostly attributed to their surface characteristics due to the presence of a hydrophobia alkyl group and hydrophilic carboxylic group in their salts. Different method based on the use of different test organism like bacteria, aspen, fish, zooplankton and rat have been used by researchers to measure the level of toxicity of naphthenic acid in substances. Naphthenic acid caused corrosion in the oil sand refining process. Many analytical procedures have been use for the characterization and quantification of naphthenic acids was discussed. The chemical treatment methods have been explained and prove effective for degradation of naphthenic acid in water. The plants used in phytoremediation of contaminated water was examined and discussed. Photocatalysis method that uses UV 252 radiation has the most potential for reducing naphthenic acids and increasing their bio availability has been reported. Naphthenic acid is one of natural constituent of asphalt and crude oil and mainly obtained as the by-product of petroleum refining process with inconstant composition and ingredient. In conclusion, certain properties and characteristic of Naphthenic acid have been partially reviewed.
Toxicant; Naphthenic acids; hydrophilic; Corrosive; Bioremediation
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Yagana Abba Sidi, Abdulfatah Shehu and Muhammad. Catalytic degradation of naphthenic acid in aqueous solution: A review. International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2020, 01(02), 001-008. https://doi.org/10.30574/ijsra.2020.1.2.0035
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