Academy of Medical and Engineering Sciences 3/1 Kasatkina Street, Moscow State Budget Healthcare Institution of Moscow region "PTCH" Podolsk Town Clinical Hospital, 38, Kirova Street, Podolsk, Moscow region.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2021, 02(01), 085-105.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2021.2.1.0023
DOI url:
Received on 10 January 2021; revised on 12 February 2021; accepted on 14 February 2021
The paper discusses the search of evidences of advantage of the physiotherapy over the drug therapy by the parameters and treatment methods according to clinical stage of a disease development, based on the results of labor medical examination and improvement of the quality of life.
The above indicators were confirmed with a high statistical accuracy by example of a new rehabilitation technology: "Underwater horizontal spine traction with underwater phototherapy to solve an essential medical and social problem: treatment of patients with degenerative and dystrophic lesions of the lumbosacral spine with herniated protrusions of intervertebral discs, being one of the most common neurological pathologies worldwide.
Based on the achievements in physics, i.e. discovery of "evanescent waves", "scanning tunneling microscope"; "AC and DC Josephson effects", development of highly sensitive equipment and discovery by the author of the present article of a highly informative, non-invasive, simple, harmless method of studying the mechanism of action of physical factors on the integral organism from any part of the skin surface, i.e. "blood spectrum biopsy" displaying the complete information picture of an organism, it became possible to create a new theory of a mechanism of action of physical factors on the supramolecular level of the integral organism on the principle of "tunnel effect".
Physiodynamics; Physiokinetics; Supramolecular structures; Blood spectrum biopsy
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Vladimir Dodtievich Bitsoev. Leading role of the principles of interaction between the natural physical factors and integral organism in medicine of the future. International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2021, 02(01), 085-105.
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