Postgraduate Professor in Administration at the University of the Amazon, Brazil
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2021, 02(02), 066-073.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2021.2.2.0054
DOI url:
Received on 10 March 2021; revised on 14 April 2021; accepted on 16 April 2021
The energy market and competitiveness make up a challenging and constantly changing scenario on the international stage. The emergence of natural reserves can contribute to a more advantageous positioning for a given nation to the detriment of another. New exploration technologies and discoveries of Shale gas reserves on North American soil indicate that the U.S. will significantly increase its production of natural gas. The Brazilian government, until then, attributed to Pre-salt a large part of its strategies regarding energy security and the expansion of its competitiveness. This study has the objective of examining the Brazilian energy strategy in the face of the international competitive scenario. The study is justified by the opportunity to understand the intricacies of Petrobras' strategic activities and to raise subsidies that contribute to the decision-making process of Petrobras in the petrochemical segment; as well as the possibility of a critical assessment of consolidated guidelines and possible conflicts in the scope of strategic actions in the organization. The study found an imminent need by the Brazilian government to promote new sources of natural gas as an alternative to achieving competitive production standards in the petrochemical market.
Energy Sector; Strategy; Petrochemical Sector.
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Fabricio Quadros Borges. Energy market and global competitiveness strategies. International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2021, 02(02), 066-073.
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