Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Medical Sciences Teaching Hospital Complex, Akure Unit, Ondo State, Nigeria.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2021, 03(01), 019-030.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2021.3.1.0096
DOI url:
Received on 01 June 2021; revised on 04 July 2021; accepted on 08 July 2021
Caesarean Section on maternal request is a planned surgery performed without medical indication, where the wish of the woman compensates for the lack of medical reasons. Preferences for caesarean section are often associated with some factors that may be cultural, economic, religious or social. Some women are said to suffer from tocophobia which is the fear of childbirth and may be a major psychological cause for caesarean section due to maternal request (CSMR). This study explored the popularity of maternally requested caesarean section amongst pregnant women in the Antenatal clinic of University of Medical Sciences Teaching Hospital, Akure.
Method: It was a cross-sectional descriptive study.
Results: Willingness to request for caesarean section if not indicated is found to be low with only about 10% indicating that they can do so. Rather, refusal to undergo caesarean section when medically indicated is found to be relatively high with 43 % of respondents indicating their unwillingness to have caesarean section even if indicated. Fear of adverse occurrence to mother or baby is the major reason for avoiding caesarean section
Conclusion: Maternally requested caesarean section is not popular amongst pregnant women while aversion to indicated caesarean section is high in the study area. There is need for massive education and enlightenment on caesarean section in order to improve its acceptability.
Caesarean section; Maternal request; Aversion to caesarean section; Fear of labour
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Ramon Sunday Omotayo, Abayomi Logo, Adetayo Bade-Adefioye, Oluseyi Adewale, and Ayomide Emmanuel Sanni. Maternally requested caesarean delivery: Popularity amongst pregnant women at a South West Nigerian teaching hospital. International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2021, 03(01), 019-030.
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