1 Department of Veterinary Public Health/College of Veterinary Medicine/University of Baghdad/Iraq.
2 Department of Internal Medicine and Preventive/ College of Veterinary Medicine/University of Baghdad/Iraq.
3 Department of Animal Production/ College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences/University of Baghdad/Iraq.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2021, 03(02), 188–192.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2021.3.2.0138
DOI url: https://doi.org/10.30574/ijsra.2021.3.2.0138
Received on 17 September 2021; revised on 19 October 2021; accepted on 21 October 2021
The principles of genetic improvement included the use of crossbreeding. An alternative method is the genetic improvement of the indigenous cattle by selection.
The low reproductive performance and high calf mortality in the indigenous cattle caused a reduction in the selection intensity. Moreover, the generation interval is long in cattle because of the late sexual maturity and the long calving intervals. The most important problem is the absence of a milk recording system in many temperate countries. In such a case, the approach to improving the cattle through selection is limited and we will need to start with a single nucleus.
Two types of selection can be adopted; without progeny testing which means the selection of bulls on pedigree information only and with progeny testing to identify the elite bulls according to the performance of their daughters.
Progeny test; Selection; Dairy cattle; Tropical countries
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Firas R Al-Samarai, Tamara N Dawood, Oday K Luaibi, and Ahmed M Al-Nedawi. Genetic improvement of the dairy cattle in the tropical countries: A review. International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2021, 03(02), 188–192. https://doi.org/10.30574/ijsra.2021.3.2.0138
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