Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Riau University, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2021, 04(01), 136–148.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2021.4.1.0170
DOI url:
Received on 29 September 2021; revised on 15 November 2021; accepted on 17 November 2021
Rice plant is paddy producing plant needed by most of Indonesians as staple food. Sei Geringging Village in Kampar District, Kampar Kiri Sub-District had technically irrigated field on peat land and peat buried. Farmers on Sei Geringging Village farmed 2 kinds of rice which were prime variety and local variety. Most of prime variety farmed was Inpari 9 and the local variety was Mentik Wangi. Farmers on Sei Geringging Village had been farming the rice without knowing which variety had been best to farm on peat land and on peat buried that the yield had not been optimal. This research aimed to know the comparison of maximum growth and production rate of Inpari 9 and Mentik Wangi variety rice on peat land and peat buried. This research was done by a survey with descriptive method .Treatment combination was repeatedly done 4 times resulting 16 unit trial squares. Each square had 5 sample plants. Best growth was on peat land that planted with the Inpari 9 variety and on peat buried was planted with Mentik Wangi variety resulting yield of 4,20 ton.ha-1
Paddy; variety; Inpari 9; Peat; Peat buried
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Hapsoh, Wawan, Arnis En Yulia, Isna Rahma Dini and Fhingky Olivia Tiara Sakti. The growth and production of field rice (Oryza sativa l.) Inpari 9 and Mentik Wangi variety on peat land and peat buried. International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2021, 04(01), 136–148.
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