Emeritus Professor Ehime University. Department of Resources Chemistry, Matsuyama. Japan.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2021, 04(01), 092–105.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2021.4.1.0187
DOI url: https://doi.org/10.30574/ijsra.2021.4.1.0187
Received on 24 October 2021; revised on 28 November 2021; accepted on 30 November 2021
Global warming is caused by retardation of CO2 assimilation by scare of nitrogen and phosphorous Developed countries are tried to purify air and water by NOx and NP elimination at around 1980. Then CO2 assimilation is retarded. CO2 fix is retarded. Agriculture and fish industry are retarded DGP increase rates of these countries are low. On the contrary, developing countries like China, India and Indonesia, they do not eliminate NOx and NP.and use as fertilizer. Then CO2 assimilation is activated CO2 fix is activated. Agriculture and fish industries are activated. DGP increase rates of these countries are high. We must promote CO2 assimilation by complete use of NOx and NP in waste water. And addition of fertilizer to the sea will increase CO2 assimilation and fish production. Promotion of CO2 assimilation by sufficient supply of nitrogen and phosphorous is easiest method to fit Paris agreement and to protect global warming and to increase DGP and national wealth.
CO2; NOx; Protection of global warming; CO2 assimilation; Fish production; Grain production
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Shoichiro Ozaki. Promotion of CO2 assimilation by sufficient supply of nitrogen and phosphorous is easiest method to fit Paris agreement and to protect global warming and to get national wealth. International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2021, 04(01), 092–105. https://doi.org/10.30574/ijsra.2021.4.1.0187
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