Chemistry Department, College of Science, Mosul University, Mosul-Iraq.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2021, 02(02), 074-086.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2021.2.2.0250
DOI url:
Received on 05 April 2021; revised on 14 April 2021; accepted on 17 April 2021
It is well known from FDA reports that More than 75% of the heterocyclic compounds are drugs and 90 of heterocyclic compounds are cancer drugs. The nitrogen-based heterocycles occupy an exclusive position as a valuable source of therapeutic agents in medicinal chemistry. Most drugs approved by the FDA and currently available in the market are nitrogen-containing heterocyclic moieties, More over heterocyclic compounds are important class of organic chemistry due to their widely spread in nature. Also there are many route for their action and many mechanistic pathways for their preparation and different metabolic actions. This comes from the easily building or removal of any functional group within the molecules. Changing just on group cause to change the metabolic pathway of the drug action and site of attack of the desired target accordingly. This great characteristic value make them much more important in drug discovery programs of many researchers and also encouraged us and drew attentions of other researchers to develop new ways for their synthesis. As a result different pharmacological and medical applications. Oxazie compounds are sub branch of heterocyclic compounds. These compounds having two hetero atoms, Oxygen and nitrogen within their structures make them much more important toward therapeutic studies. We are here in our investigation will focus on the methodologies and the therapeutic action of the titled compounds as well as other various applications.
Synthesis; Application; Pharmaceutical; Pyronic; Salicylic antharanilic acids and phenols.
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Harith M. Al-ajely. Synthesis and pharmaceutical applications of Oxazine compounds derived from Pyronic, Salicylic, Antharanilic acids and Phenols. International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2021, 02(02), 074-086.
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