Collage of Biotechnology, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2022, 05(01), 059–066.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2022.5.1.0034
DOI url:
Received on 25 December 2021; revised on 03 February 2022; accepted on 05 February 2022
Plantago laceolata considered as an ancient herb promising plant. In this work, the target of the study was designed to estimate total flavonoids, anti-oxidant and chemical composition of Plantago laceolata aqueous extract in vitro. Total flavonoids content was;evaluated in the extract, and it was 317.0000 ± 9.64365mg /ml. also, anti-oxidant activity of Plantago laceolata aqueous extract in vitro was assessed in vitro via evaluation of reductive ability. At all concentrations of plant extract tested (0.02, 0.04, 0.08, 0.16, 0.32 and 0.64 mg/ml) in reductive ability; the absorbance was increase significantly in all dependent concentration manner. also, the aqueous plant extract was increase significantly The results of chemical composition of plant showed contain Tannins, polysaccharide, Alkaloids,Flavonoids and Polyphenolic Compounds . Also plant extracts counteract the damage caused by methotrexate drug through the reduction in liver enzymes GOT, GPT and ALP in all groups of mice the results of interactions indicated the ability of plant to modulating harmful effects of the drug in liver and its enzymes when administration to albino mice male in 200mg/kg.
Plantago laceolata; Anti-Oxidant; Chemical Composition; Reductive Ability; Alkaloids; Methotrexate
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Farah T. O. AL-Jumaili. Determination of total flavonoid, antioxidant, active constituents and liver function enzyme of Plantago laceolata aqueous extract. International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2022, 05(01), 059–066.
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