Department of Fisheries, Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, PMB 071 Bayelsa State NG, 560103, Amassoma, Nigeria.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2022, 05(01), 123–132.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2022.5.1.0048
DOI url:
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2022, 05(01), 123–132.
Fisheries resources exploitation is an open access business in Nigeria and the instrument or gear utilized come in various forms, sizes and shapes. The mesh sizes and gear types were investigated in riparian communities of Amassoma and Ogoubiri at Igbedi creek, Bayelsa State with the objectives to note the mesh sizes and gear types utilized in these communities. A total of 100 structured questionnaires was administered and retrieved from active fishers in the landing sites. Descriptive statistics such as simple percentage method, tables and charts were used to examine the mesh size and gear types utilized in the study area. The results obtained from the study revealed that the mesh sizes used ranges from 19 mm to 105 mm with a mean of 59.9±24.3 and 56.8±25.8 in Ogoubiri and Amassoma respectively. The types of gear recorded were gillnet (45.6%), cast net (7.7%), purse seine net (5.3%), beach seine net (14.7%), drift net (1.5%), hook and line (10.4%) and traps (14.8%). The length of nets utilized ranged from 68 m to 200 m at the study area. The study established that mesh sizes and gear types in use at the study area may lead to overexploitation of fish species in the study area. The survey of the mesh sizes and gear types used for fishing in riparian communities of Amassoma and Ogoubiri landing sites in Igbedi creek call for urgent need for intervention on the part of Government for policy review and implementation, so as to ensure sustainable use of the aquatic resources.
Mesh size; Gear; Length; Landing site; Igbedi Creek
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Edubamo Davidson Binaebi and Cyrian Ogheneakpobo Orovwigho. Mesh size and gear type in riparian communities of Amassoma and Ogoubiri at Igbedi Creek, Bayelsa State. International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2022, 05(01), 123–132.
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