Department of Animal and Environmental Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt, P. M. B. 5323, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2022, 05(02), 171–176.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2022.5.2.0071
DOI url:
Received on 23 February 2022; revised on 05 April 2022; accepted on 07 April 2022
This study was carried out to determine the effect of generator fumes on albino rats using the blood and lung histology as biomarkers. Rats were exposed to generator fumes in a five-week exposure. Blood samples were collected from the control and exposed animals weekly. The following blood parameters were tested: pH, Neutrophil, Lymphocytes, Eosinophil, Monocytes, red blood cells, and carbon monoxide. The result obtained indicate pH in week 1 was acidic (5) but the pH in weeks 5 and 4 were alkaline 7.5 and 8 respectively. Neutrophil was seen to be low in all groups from week 1 to week 5. Lymphocytes were high indicating an inflammatory response. Eosinophil in week 3, group 2, and week 5 group 3 were 0. Monocytes were normal in all groups from week 1 to week 5 except for group 4 in week 5 which was high with 10 as its value indicating the possible inception of infections. RBC in all the weeks ranged from 3.9 -5.8. Carbon monoxide was low in week 1 and high in weeks 3 and 5. The lung histology indicates hemorrhage, capillary congestion and edema. The results indicate that exposure to generator fumes predisposes one to lung damage, pulmonary edema and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, hence a safe distance should be kept when around an operating generator to avoid inhaling the fumes.
Generator Fumes; Carbon monoxide; Lung Histology; Haematology; Albino rats
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Obemeata Emmanuel Oriakpono and Emeka Victor Enechukwu. Biomarker response of albino rats (Rattus norvegicus) to generator fumes. International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2022, 05(02), 171–176.
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