Department of Electrical Engineering, Shri Venkateshwara University, Gajraula, Uttar Pradesh 244236, India.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 08(01), 600–614.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2023.8.1.0121
DOI url:
Received on 25 December 2022; revised on 01 February 2023; accepted on 03 February 2023
This paper presents the use of a recently developed algorithm inspired by the hunting mechanism of ant-lions in nature, called ant lion optimizer (ALO). The ALO algorithm is used for solving the voltage instability problem in radial distribution networks. The proposed method ensures system operation within voltage standard limits and with minimum power losses. The proposed method implies the following main tasks; load flow analysis with forwarding/backward sweep method, voltage stability index calculation and optimizing the distributed generators (size, location, and power factor) by applying the ALO. The brilliant performance of hybridizing these tasks will be able to give an overall view of voltage stability for radial distribution system; calculate the voltage stability index; detect the most sensitive node to collapse and presents a solution (to mitigate voltage instability problem and reduce system power losses). The performance and feasibility of the proposed method are demonstrated through simulation case on IEEE 69-bus. The obtained results provide the optimal solution.
Distribution system; Voltage stability index; Forward/backward sweep; Ant Lion Optimizer; Distributed Generation; Optimal location; Optimal size
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K Shiva Kesava Reddy and SNV Ganesh. Optimal allocation of distributed generators in radial distribution networks based on ant-lion optimizer. International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 08(01), 600–614.
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