Department of Civil Engineering, Cambridge Institute of Technology, Ranchi, India.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 08(01), 875–881.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2023.8.1.0131
DOI url:
Received on 27 December 2022; revised on 09 February 2023; accepted on 12 February 2023
This paper is an overview of the work done for the design and analysis of the multi-storey building (G+5) under the effect of various forces acting on the building such as dead load, imposed load, wind load, and seismic load. The work was done for the purpose of designing and analyzing the building to withstand the effects of these various forces. The fact that these pressures are working on the building demonstrates that if the buildings are not carefully planned and built with enough strength, then this may lead to the partial or entire collapse of the multi-storey structures. It is necessary to do an analysis and design the structures of multi-story buildings in such a way that they are able to resist the numerous pressures that operate on these buildings in order to guarantee the inhabitants' safety. The primary purpose of this endeavor is to investigate and analyze the effects of wind and seismic activity on the structures. The residential building is a G+5 storey construction, and it is situated in Raipur city, which is the capital of Chhattisgarh state. According to the criteria for the study of seismic load, zone II applies to the location of the building. Throughout the course of its lifetime, every structure will be susceptible to the impacts of a variety of forces, including those caused by dead load, live load, wind forces, and seismic forces. Both wind load and earthquake load contribute to the dynamic load, whereas dead load and imposed load only contribute to the static load. The whole of the structure was analyzed with the assistance of the STAAD PRO programme.
Framed Structure; Seismic Analysis; ETABS; Collapse Mechanism
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Apurba Rakha, Vikram Choudhry and Md. Zeyaul Haque. Structural design and analysis of G+5 framed structure using ETABS. International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 08(01), 875–881.
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