NRI College of pharmacy, Andhra Pradesh, India.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 08(01), 965–971.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2023.8.1.0178
DOI url:
Received on 06 January 2023; revised on 15 February 2023; accepted on 18 February 2023
Complex partial seizure are often associated with impaired or loss of consciousness clinically proved to have an impact on masial temporal sclerosis (Hippocampus) region of brain. Seizures admits several etiopathophysiological events leading to several neuro functional changes in the reticulothalamocortical circuitry zones of the CNS .This paves the episodes of complex partial seizures events. A clinical case report of clinical partial seizures in a 47 years age adult patient came to the hospital with impaired consciousness. The brainmagnetic resonance imaging scanning of the patient detected a spectrum of findings more in favour of idiopathic intracranial hypertension and T1 ,T2 isointense lesion in the posterial mid line falx-2.falcine meningioma, focal area of glosis in the left high parietal lobe and age approximate bilateral cerebral atrophy it grade-1 fazellas white matter changes. The patient was conformed with Complex partial seizures, and she was treated with benzodiazepines twice a day. The patient was recovered from loss of impaired consciousness and she was called for follow up examination once in 1-month period.
Masial Temporal Sclerosis; Magnetic Resonance Imagine; Idiopathic Intra Cranial Hypertension; Falcine Menigoma; Bilateral Cerebral Atrophy
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V. Naga Anjani, G. Usha Kiran, P. Bhagyasri and T. Deepthi. Clinical case presentation on complex partial seizures diagnosis and treatment care services and outcomes in an adult patient. International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 08(01), 965–971.
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