Department of Geography, Egra Sarada Shashi Bhusan College, Egra, West Bengal-721429, India.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 08(02), 117–127.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2023.8.2.0209
DOI url:
Received on 30 January 2023; revised on 10 March 2023; accepted on 12 March 2023
Egra Municipality is most important for providing administrative facilities to the Purba Medinipur District. Many other facilities, such as educational facilities (school, college), super specialty hospital facilities, transport and communication facilities, etc., are attracting many people from different places. So they have chosen Egra Municipality as their destination. The central areas of this municipality are already overcrowded, and population and building densities are relatively high. Now a days, gradually, the existing administrative boundary is being extended towards the periphery. So, the transport communication system and basic amenity facilities have to be improved. The aim of this paper is to analyse the road connectivity and network accessibility of the Egra municipality. The alpha index, beta index, gamma index, and cyclomatic number have also been used for understanding network accessibility in this area. The data sets were collected through a field survey that visited 14 wards of the Egra municipality area, and secondary data was collected from the Egra municipality office and an open street map. We used the connectivity analysis method to examine the accessibility of this area. According to calculations, mainly the 7, 11, and 13 wards are more efficient than other wards. Therefore, it would suggest that there is a need to improve the connectivity and accessibility of those periphery areas for the future growth and development of the Egra municipality.
Road Networks; Connectivity; Structural Analysis; Accessibility
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Debasish Dasmahapatra. Measuring the Urban Road network pattern using connectivity analysis: A micro-level study in Egra Municipality, West Bengal. International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 08(02), 117–127.
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