Department of Chemistry, Krishna College of Science and Information Technology Bijnor, India.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 08(02), 161–165.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2023.8.2.0225
DOI url:
Received on 03 February 2023; revised on 14 March 2023; accepted on 17 March 2023
Green chemistry is one of the most explored topics these days. Major research on green chemistry aims to reduce or eradicate the production of harmful bi-products and maximizing the desired product in an eco friendly way. The green chemistry is required to minimize the harm of the nature by anthropogenic materials and the processes applied to generate them. Green chemistry indicates research emerges from scientific discoveries about effluence responsiveness. Green chemistry involves 12 principals which minimize or eliminates the use or production of unsafe substances. Scientists and Chemists can significantly minimize the risk to environment and health of human by the help of all the valuable ideology of green chemistry. The principles of green chemistry can be achieved by the use environmental friendly, harmless, reproducible and solvents and catalysts during production of medicine, and in researches. Green chemistry could include anything from reducing waste to even disposing of waste in the correct manner. All chemical wastes should be disposed of in the best possible manner without causing any damage to the environment and living beings. This article presents selected examples of implementation of green chemistry principles in everyday life.
Green chemistry; Environment; Sustainability; New technology; Development
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Payal Rathi, Saba Nausheen and Nisha. Green chemistry and technology for sustainable development. International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 08(02), 161–165.
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