Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi-76, India.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 08(02), 180–184.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2023.8.2.0233
DOI url:
Received on 10 February 2023; revised on 19 March 2023; accepted on 21 March 2023
Body weight is a crucial indicator of a baby's development and growth. The connection between nursing and body weight is extremely important for the health of newborns. This study compares the weight gain among breastfed, formula-fed, and mixed-fed preterm babies (weight between 1-2 kilograms) admitted to the neonatal ICU of the Indraprastha Apollo hospital in New Delhi. Thirty-five newborn babies, ranging in age from 28 to 35 weeks, with a weight of 1-2 kg, were selected using the purposive sampling technique. The data collection was done for 3 months, from August to October 2022, by biomarkers and in vivo weight measurement. The weight was assessed for 17 days following the commencement of the first feed, and the weight was measured at the same time every day. The demographic characteristics of the sample revealed that 54.28 percent of the newborns included in the study were born in Apollo hospitals. Out of 35 babies, 31 were born through a cesarean session and the remaining four through a complicated vaginal delivery. The majority of the babies are between 34 and 35 weeks of gestation. The most common maternal complications observed were hypertension and oligohydramnios, and only a few neonates had fetal complications. The inferential analysis showed that there was no significant weight gain among the three categories during the first 17 days of feeding. The study can be repeated in different settings with more stringent inclusion criteria and for a longer duration.
Preterm newborn; Weight gain; Breastfed; Formula fed; Mixed fed
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Deepa Mariya Raju, Maryline Flinsi and Sapna Sengar. A comparative study to assess the weight gain among breast-fed, formula-fed and mix-fed preterm babies. International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 08(02), 180–184.
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