1 Media, Pennsylvania, USA.
2 Highland Park, New Jersey, USA.
3 SATI, Vidisha, M.P. India.
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 08(01), 965–972.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2023.8.1.0485
DOI url: https://doi.org/10.30574/ijsra.2023.8.1.0485
Received on 14 January 2023; revised on 22 February 2023; accepted on 25 February 2023
The rise of new business models has stimulated e-commerce, which is expected to continue to grow over the next several decades. Logistics, which operates in the background, has been significantly affected by the enormous number of firms engaging in E-commerce. Examining the critical role of sustainable e-commerce logistics in SCM, this review article explores the importance of reducing the environmental implications of online shopping. It explores a spectrum of sustainable logistics facets, from green sourcing and efficient production to smart inventory management, sustainable warehousing, green transportation, eco-friendly packaging, and effective reverse logistics. By integrating these practices, businesses can optimise their supply chains, reducing environmental footprints while enhancing operational efficiency and brand reputation. The paper discusses key environmental challenges facing e-commerce supply chains, including carbon emissions, packaging waste, energy consumption, and resource depletion, proposing strategies such as green sourcing, efficient production, and eco-friendly packaging to address them. It also reviews existing literature, covering topics like intelligent logistics management analysis, sustainability in attended home delivery, semantic similarity for fashion recommendations, and sentiment analysis of public views on e-commerce. This comprehensive examination provides valuable insights for businesses and researchers aiming to bolster the sustainability of e-commerce supply chains.
E-Commerce; Sustainability; Logistic Environment; Supply Chain Management (SCM)
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Jubin Thomas, Kirti Vinod Vedi and Sandeep Gupta. An analysis of sustainable e-commerce logistics in supply chain management. International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2023, 08(01), 965–972. https://doi.org/10.30574/ijsra.2023.8.1.0485
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