Independent Researcher.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2019, 03(03), 072–080
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2019.3.3.0068
DOI url:
Received on 15 September 2019; revised on 25 October 2019; accepted on 28 October 2019
Over the last five years, predictive analytics and machine learning have been integrated into ERP systems, mainly SAP ERP HCM ECC6, to improve the strategic HCM. This has made organizations use big data and machine learning algorithms in making the right decisions in talent acquisition, workforce planning, and employee retention. The current paper aims to establish how and to what extent predictive analytics and machine learning can be applied in the SAP ERP HCM ECC6 to enhance the HCM process. A literature review of the current literature is performed to evaluate the feasibility of using predictive analytics and machine learning in improving decision-making based on HCM data. The paper also provides a framework for adopting these tools within ERP systems and presents conclusions, research implications, and suggestions for future research. The research outcomes of this study indicate that predictive analytics and machine learning are useful in the decision-making process in an organization in that they provide information on employee performance, turnover, and planning for the workforce. These technologies have practical applications in talent management, payroll, and employee engagement and, therefore, improve the HCM processes. Figures in tables and graphs are included to support the discussion of the ideas and results. -Finally, the study's future research directions and practical implications are discussed, focusing on the competitive benefit of intelligent data analysis.
Predictive Analytics; Machine Learning; SAP ERP HCM ECC6; Human Capital Management; Talent Acquisition; Employee Retention; Workforce Optimization; Data-Driven Decision-Making; Turnover Prediction; Strategic HCM; Intelligent Data Insights.
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Thejaswi Adimulam. Integrating predictive analytics and machine learning within sap erp hcm ecc6: enhancing strategic human capital management through intelligent data insight. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2019, 03(03), 072–080.
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