1 Ph.D. scholar, Department of Pharmacy, R K University, Rajkot, Gujrat
2 Ram-Eesh Institute of Vocational and Technical Education, Greater Noida (UP), India.
3 Directorate of Technical Education, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2019, 04(02), 027-032
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2019.4.2.0086
DOI url: https://doi.org/10.30574/wjarr.2019.4.2.0086
Received on 08 November 2019; revised on 23 November 2019; accepted on 27 November 2019
The present study was designed to evaluate the in vivo effect of withacoagulin and coagulin C isolated from Withania coagulans Dunal fruits on blood pressure of albino rats. Hypertension in rats was experimentally induced by giving DOCA (10mg/kg; i.p.) along with diet high in sodium chloride salt. Withacoagulin and coagulin C were isolated from Withania coagulans Dunal fruits. Comparative effect of withacoagulin and coagulin C was observed against standard verapamil, a known antihypertensive drug. Female Albino rats (100-120 g) were divided into seven experimental groups (n=6). Normal control, Verapamil standard control (50 mg/kg, p.o.), withacoagulin treatment groups (25, 50 mg/kg; p.o.), coagulin C treatment groups (25, 50 mg/kg; p.o.) and Toxic control (DOCA with 2% normal saline ad libitum). The hypertensive rats (>150mm Hg) were choosen for the treatment. Noninvasive tail blood pressure amplifier (NIBP200A) was used to measure blood pressure of conscious rats at a fixed interval of time every day for four weeks. A significant decrease (P< 0.05) in the blood pressure of withacoagulin treated and standard group were observed. Withacoagulin at dose 25 mg/kg produced significant (P< 0.05) antihypertensive effect. Withacoagulin at 50 mg/kg dose produced highly significant antihypertensive effect (P< 0.001) as compared to standard calcium channel blocker, verapamil. Coagulin C has been found to have no significant antihypertensive effect on albino rats.
Withacoagulin; Coagulin C; Withania coagulans; Dunal fruits; antihypertension; verapamil
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Hoda Quaisul and Modi Ketan P. In vivo effect of withacoagulin and coagulin C isolated from Withania coagulans Dunal fruits on blood pressure of albino rats. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2019, 04(02), 027-032. https://doi.org/10.30574/wjarr.2019.4.2.0086
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