Metropolitan University-Belgrade (Serbia), Faculty for Applied Ecology Futura.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2019, 04(02), 102-111
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2019.4.2.0097
DOI url:
Received on 27 November 2019; revised on 19 December 2019; accepted on 21 December 2019
This paper analyzes the importance of monitoring dendrochronology study as indication aspects of the vitality of oak’s trees, and general oak’s forests. The task was processed on the basis of a detailed analysis of oak’s forests, in the 5 experimental fields and study of numerous bibliography in these areas. Dendrochronology study basis of monitoring, and-diameter increment, and the monitoring all the elements of volume increment. Research and climate-change; has-been-conducted-on-the territory of Sumadija, in the area of forest estates of Kragujevac. The-monitoring-it-self-is-very important both because bio indicative, and future management of oak’s forest.
Increment; Monitoring; Oak; Dendrochronology
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Šikanja Severin Sevke. Climate change provided through the dendrochronology of the peak oak (Quercus robur Lat.) in the area of Sumadija- Central Serbia. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2019, 04(02), 102-111.
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