1 University of Ngaoundéré, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biological Sciences. P.O.Box 454, Ngaoundéré.
2 University of Maroua, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biological Sciences. P.O.Box 814, Maroua.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2020, 05(02), 034-047
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2020.5.2.0098
DOI url: https://doi.org/10.30574/wjarr.2020.5.2.0098
Received on 29 November 2019; revised on 02 February 2020; accepted on 04 February 2020
Field investigations have been carried out in the forest landscapes of the Ngaoundéré cliff and its outskirts, in the Vina Department of Cameroon. To learn more about the floristic richness and the chorologic position of the site of interest, an analysis of the flora, the autoecological and phytogeographic spectra of species has been undertaken. This analysis is based on floristic material from different surveys carried out in seven villages. On an area of 8.4 hectares prospected, through 84 phytosociological surveys, a floristic matrix of 87 species distributed in 46 genera and in 39 families was retained. Some of these species are of high ecological importance to the instar Terminalia laxiflora (16.58%), Isoberlinia doka (15.26%), Terminalia glaucescens (13.55%), Vitellaria paradoxa (10.17%), Parkia biglobosa (8.78%), Sarcocephalus latifolius (8.30%), Pterocarpus lucens (8.22%), Daniellia oliveri (7.92%).The families of the Fabaceae (64.83%), Combretaceae (43.18%), Euphorbiaceae (22.98%), Moraceae (16.35%), Rubiaceae (16.34%), Anacardiaceae (16.02%), Sapotaceae (10.17%), Myrtaceae (9.89%), Meliaceae (8.85%) and Annonaceae (7.51%) are the most diversified in cash. The ecological spectra highlight the high representativeness of microphanerophytes and ballochorous. On the phytogeographic level, the preponderance of multiregional species detected indicates the instability of forest landscapes in the study area. Moreover, the high rate of species with limited distribution in the African continent is an indication of disturbance and shows that the flora loses its specificity. All in all, this vegetation is in gradual degradation because of human activities.
Autoecological spectra; Phytogeographic spectra; Cliff, Ngaoundéré
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Nyasiri Jonathan, Ibrahima Adamou, Tchobsala and Delphine Dongock Nguemo. Floristic and phytogeographic analysis of the woody vegetation of the cliff of Ngaoundéré and its peripheries. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2020, 05(02), 034-047. https://doi.org/10.30574/wjarr.2020.5.2.0098
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