Department of Garden and Park Architecture, Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, S. Efremov 25, Dnipro, 49600, Ukraine.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2020, 06(01), 089-099
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2020.6.1.0079
DOI url:
Received on 24 March 2020; revised on 02 April 2020; accepted on 04 April 2020
Plants serve as a versatile filter that is capable of purifying the atmospheric air from various toxic substances. In this study we investigate the green areas of sanitary protection zones of PrJSC "Ukrgrafit" and Zaporizhzhya Aluminium Plant PJSC industrial enterprises in the city of Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine. The forest stands growing in these zones were surveyed using the route method and the level of accumulation of water-soluble phenolic compounds, sulfur and fluorine in the leaves of plants was determined. On the basis of the data obtained during our investigation, compromise plans were proposed for enriching the tree flora growing in the area of green spaces of sanitary protection zones of PrJSC "Ukrgrafit" and Zaporizhzhya Aluminium Plant PJSC industrial enterprises, taking into account both their current and potential gas absorption capacity. Taking into account the environmental conditions and the natural resistance of plants, as far as protective plantations of the PrJSC "Ukrgrafit" enterprise and the species composition of forest belts of the Zaporizhzhya Aluminium Plant PJSC, the second and the fifth variants in the first case, as well as the fifth and the sixth variants in the second case, were determined as being the best options available for the purpose of tree flora enrichment.
Accumulation; Flourine; Industrial enterprises; Phenolic compounds; Plantation options; Species composition of trees; Sulfur dioxide; Tree flora
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Sklyarenko Anastasia Victorovna. Trade-offs in the process of enrichment of tree plantations in sanitary protection zones of enterprises regarding the peculiarities of potential accumulation of toxicants in the leaves of trees. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2020, 06(01), 089-099.
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