RSBSC Olympic Reserve named after K.Akhmetov, Kazakhstan, Almaty.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2020, 06(01), 218-232
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2020.6.1.0109
DOI url:
Received on 20 April 2020; accepted on 29 April 2020
The aim of the article is to consider the metabolic basis of nutrition for the development of technologies to maintain the athlete's health and performance. The article used PubMed data and the results of our own theoretical developments regarding the metabolic basis of nutrition in extreme conditions of the body. The role of the stages of transcription and translation in the process of creating muscle protein and the importance of the quality and quantity of protein in the diet are shown. The anaerobic and aerobic stages of energy formation are examined and the principles of increasing their activity through the use of food compounds are analyzed. A model of the relationship between the exchange of proteins, fats and carbohydrates with different energy supply of the body is considered and the principles of nutritional support of the body in the phase of rehabilitation and physical and mental work are proposed. The article discusses the main approaches of the usage of metabolic principles in the development of food technology to maintain health and increase the working efficiency of athletes. In the sports preparation stage, nutrition should ensure the creation of a muscle apparatus and provide it with energy. In the sports competition period, food products should improve the activity of elements of energy metabolism. In the rehabilitation phase, it is necessary to use food compounds that help to reduce the accumulation of under-oxidized metabolic products and accelerate their metabolic pathways. Food products are offered to increase the effectiveness of weight gain and weight cutting technologies.
Nutrition; Anti-doping products; Performance
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Liba Habiba , Mziwira Mohamed and Belahsen Rekia. Nutrition base of the anti-doping products development for the athletes working efficiency encreasment. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2020, 06(01), 218-232.
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