1 Department of Medical Laboratory sciences, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Kampala International University-Western Campus, Ishaka, Bushenyi, Uganda.
2 Derindam Research Institute of Biotechnology, Uyo, Akwa-Ibom, Nigeria.
3 Department of Medical Laboratory sciences, School of Health Sciences, Univerisity and Strategic Institute of the Estuary (IUEs/INSAM), Ndokoti, Douala, Cameroon.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2020, 08(03), 293-301
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2020.8.3.0411
DOI url: https://doi.org/10.30574/wjarr.2020.8.3.0411
Received on 03November 2020; revised on 11December 2020; accepted on 13December 2020
Monitoring and evaluation have been one of the major measures to determine possible progression of response of disorder to the alternative treatments, however Anti-Liver Cell membrane Antibody, Kidney Injury Molecule and Lungs Tumour Antigen Expression on the MCF-7 Cell Induced Breast Cancer Rats administered with Citrus Limon juice and Tamoxifen were carried out, Over one hundred and twenty Sprague dawley rats of 40 days old average body weight 180-220g were divided into ten (10) containing of 12 animals per group, group 1 was control, fed only with rat chow and water, group 2 was MCF-7 cell line induced rats alone (BCIR only), group 3 Citrus Limon juice (CLJ) at 8.88%, Group 4 Citrus Limon juice (CLJ) at 17.32%, group 5 Citrus Limon juice (CLJ) at 25.98%, group 6 was given 0.2mg/kg of Tamoxifen alone, group 7 (BCIR+CLJ at 8.88%), group 8 (BCIR+CLJ at 17.32%), group 9 (BCIR+CLJ at 25.98%) and group (BCIR+ 0.2mg/kg of Tamoxifen). Acute and sub – acute toxicity were carried out after the establishment of safety dose following determination of LD50, on the fresh Citrus Limon juice Breast cancer induction and Tumor sizes were analysed. At the end of the administration, animals were sacrificed, fresh blood was taken, centrifuged at 3000 rpm, serum was collected and stored at 8oc Breast Cancer Tumor Associated Assays, Kidney Injury, Liver cell Membrane Antibody and Lung Tumor Antigens were analysed. Result, Mammary tumor induction was succeeded in all the MCF-7 cell line induced groups with minimum number of morbidity. Tumor size was significantly increase in tumor mass BCIR only at P>0.001 when compared to BCIR + CLJ and BCIR + Tamoxifen groups. Immunoogical expression of Breast Cancer Associated Tumor revealed significant increase suppressor gene/protein, Immunocytochemical in-vivo of Breast Cancer Associated Organs showed significant increase in KIM , LCMA and LTA at P>0.001 in BCIR when compared to all the BCIR + CLJ, BCIR + Tamoxifen and other non-BCIR groups.
In conclusion, this study showed that KIM , LCMA and LTA exhibited strong Immunochemical expression of Citrus Limon juice potency possessing possible anticancer activities without posing pathological conditions on the body during and after usage, hence KIM, LCMA and LTA are demonstrated to be valuable in the monitoring and evaluation progression of tumor as Citrus Limon Juice could be used as alternative therapy in the treatment of Breast cancer that are hormonal dependant in similar manner to Tamoxifen.
KIM; LCMA; LTA MCF-7 Cell lines; Breast cancer; Citrus Limon Juice; Tamoxifen; Sprawgue Dawley Rats
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Oyebadejo SA, Nsuhoridem SA and Oyeleye OE. Liver cell membrane antibody, kidney injury molecule and lungs tumour antigen expression on the MCF-7 cell induced breast cancer administered with Citrus limon juice and tamoxifen in Sprawgue dawley rats. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2020, 08(03), 293-301. https://doi.org/10.30574/wjarr.2020.8.3.0411
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