1 Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture University of Mahaputra Muhammad Yamin, Jenderal Sudirman Street No 6 Solok City, West Sumatera. Indonesia.
2 Department of Agribisnis, Faculty of Agriculture University of Mahaputra Muhammad Yamin, Jenderal Sudirman Street No 6 Solok City, West Sumatera, Indonesia.
3 Agency for The Assessment and Application of Technology, Indonesia.
4 Biology Laboratorium, Regional X Higher Education Service Institutions.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2020, 08(02), 314-317
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2020.8.2.0444
DOI url: https://doi.org/10.30574/wjarr.2020.8.2.0444
Received on 18 xNovember 2020; revised on 26 November 2020; accepted on 28 November 2020
This research aimed to determine the fungi colonies total on the rumen content of cattle and buffaloes with the addition of leaves and oil palm fronds incubated for 7 days. Each of the contents of the rumen was added with molasses, soybean soaking water as an energy source for microorganisms, as well as the addition of oil palm fronds and palm leaves to expect the type of fungus that is expected to grow. Calculation of the total colonies fungi in the rumen contents was carried out using total plate count with the dilution method. Complete Random Design by Factorial used to analyze the statistic data. Factor A was the type of rumen content (A1 = rumen of cattle, A2 = buffalo rumen), factor B was the addition of palm fronds (B1 = only rumen contents, B2 = palm oil fronds, B3 = palm leaves, and B4 = palm oil fronds and palm leaves). The results showed that the total number of fungal colonies was significantly higher in the rumen contents of cattle with an average of 509.17 104 CFU / ml. The highest total number of fungal colonies was found in rumen contents with the addition of palm oil fronds, with an average colony number of 655.83 x104 CFU / ml, while the lowest was found in buffalo rumen contents with the addition of palm fronds and palm leaves (106.67x104 CFU / ml). The addition of oil palm fronds and palm leaves to the rumen contents did not have a different effect (p> 0.05).
Fungi Colonies Total; Rumen Content
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Tri Astuti, Syahro Ali Akbar, Delsi Afrini, M. Nasir Rofiq and Irna Humaira. The identification of fungi colonies total on the rumen content of cow and buffalo with addition of leaves and oil palm frond. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2020, 08(02), 314-317. https://doi.org/10.30574/wjarr.2020.8.2.0444
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