Economics and Extension Department, Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN), P.M.B. 5244, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2020, 08(03), 356-362
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2020.8.3.0483
DOI url:
Received on 12 December 2020; revised on 19 December 2020; accepted on 21 December 2020
This article assessed kolanut consumption, its benefits and side effects. Kolanut is the fruit of the kola tree, which is indigenous to West Africa. The two main varieties are Cola acuminata and Cola nitida. It is the most common masticatory in Nigeria, and is quite bitter but gives a sweet taste after chewing. A desk research was done using various published literatures on kolanut. It was unveiled that the consumption of kolanut has many benefits as well as side effects. The side effects are dependent on the quantity intake of caffeine, a significant substance present in kolanut. Caffeine is a stimulant like theobromine and kolanin, which are also present in coffee, tea and chocolate. Kolanuts are chewed fresh and are also in the form of extracts, which is common food flavouring found in energy drinks. Right amount of kolanut depends on factors such as age, physiology and health status, and as such, more effort should be channeled into the area of investigating more appropriate quantity of kolanut that should be consumed in relation to people’s status.
Kolanut; Benefits; Consumption; Side effects; Caffeine
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Adejoke Adebusola Adelusi, Qudus Adebayo Ogunwolu, Chinweike Abednego Ugwu, Modinat Adewunmi Alli, Kehinde Ademola Adesanya, Mutiat Oluwaseyi Agboola-Adedoja and Ayodele Oladipo Akinpelu. Kolanut consumption, its benefits and side effects. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2020, 08(03), 356-362.
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