Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah 24382, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2020, 08(03), 429-438
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2020.8.3.0504
DOI url:
Received on 20 December 2020; revised on 28 December 2020; accepted on 30 December 2020
Decline in bone mass with aging leads to osteoporosis and fragility fractures. It has profound effect on the morbidity and health quality of the elderly, creating financial burden on the society.
Usually, age related loss in bone mass goes undiagnosed until a fragility fracture occurs. It was observed that the bone mineral density (BMD) was found to be lesser in females compared to males in all age groups.
There were significant BMD differences between males and females from age 41 yrs and above, BMD declined with age in both males and females. The maximum decline was observed in age group of 41 yrs -50 yrs compared to the control group of 20 yrs-30 yrs.
The decrease in BMD was highly noticeable in females, with osteoporosis from age group 51 yrs-60 yrs. It coincides with peri-menopausal and early after menopause period. In males osteoporosis was not observed until the age of 80yrs, though osteopenia have been observed from 41 yrs onwards.
There is a paramount need of awareness about detrimental effects of aging on BMD in order to bring about necessary lifestyle changes and follow therapeutic measures. This enables us to attain higher peak bone mass and maintain higher bone densities.
Osteoporosis; Age; Males; Females, BMD
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Nusrat Aziz. Disparity in bone mineral density of males and females with age. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2020, 08(03), 429-438.
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